
How to Do Just About Everything by Courtney Rosen
She's the boss lady at eHow.com. Short descriptions of how to accomplish tons o' stuff. This book is pretty useful. One of the first things is how to teach your kids how to make friends. They mention having practice conversations with your kids--you know, your kid is your kid, and you pretend to be a potential new friend. Hm, I never would have thought of that! What else . . . You learn how to take notes for college. I was very happy to learn that I used to do what they suggested.

The Californios by Louis L'Amour
You know how I tried forcing myself to read scifi? Well, now I'm trying to force myself to read a western. Louis L'Amour is Mr. Western. Once again, I am not enamored. His sentences seem kinda . . . short. I think I'll quit this one too. Recently I just feel like reading nonfic.

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