
Goodnight Bush by Erich Origen & Gan Golan
Parody of Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. Next to Bush's bed is a small nightstand and in the beginning of the book, there are 5 lines of coke. As the story progresses, there are fewer and fewer lines, until the last page when it's just a shiny mirror and a razor blade. Then there's the Constitution page where Bush has scratched out certain pars with some crayons and there's a doodle of a drunken person setting the important document on fire.

The Week-End Book edited by Francis Meynell
This book was originally published in England and was some fancy pants book that people would take with them when they went to the country over the weekend. It's a book with collections of poetry, random info on birds, astronomy, how to recognize different architectural styles, and other hodgepodgery. I skimmed this one.

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