
Humbug Witch by Lorna Balian
I read this book as a kid and LOVED it! It's a picture book about a failed witch who can't get her potions to work, who can't change her cat Fred into a hippo and can't fly on her broom. Most amazing is what happens at the end.

Barn Dance! by Pat Hutchins
A mama cow, pig and sheep have a dance party as their children are sleeping in the barn. When all the mamas are tired and asleep, the baby animals wake up and have their own party. This is a good rhyming book with cute pictures.

Adventures of Cow Too by Cow (as told to Lori Korchek)
I love this book, it 's completely hilarious. Cow is a stress toy who goes to the grocery store by train (though the picture shows a picture of a school bus) and buys ice cream (though the picture shows bags of frozen peas).

Kamishibai Man by Allen Say
Allen Say produces the most beautiful water colors in picture book land. This story set in Japan is about a retired Kamishibai Man, a candy peddler who tells stories to his young audience. When he misses his rounds, he decides to peddle some candy to the children of a much changed Japan. He tells the story of how children used to love hearing his tales and how the advent of television depopularized Kamishibai. There's a very interesting Afterword by a Japanese folklore scholar that further describes Kamishibai. I found this book to be heartwarming :o)

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