
What a Trip! by Arthur Yorinks
Boy trips and enters an alternate dimension where everything in the world is pointy.  A couple pages, the reader folds to see a new picture, kind of like in Mad Mag, but not as clever.
Big Little Monkey by Carole Lexa Schaefer and Pierre Pratt
A little monkey wanders away from his family to prove that he is big.  Along the way he meets a sloth, parrot and boa but eventually returns home to his mother.
Twelve Terrible Things by Marty Kelley
This book lists 12 things that kids might be afraid of.  There's a scary picture of an evil looking clown.  One of my favorite ones is the lady pinching the kid's cheek super hard.
A River Dream by Allen Say
A sick boy's uncle gives him a box of fishing lures and he soon dreams of catching rainbow trout.  In the dream, the uncle releases the fish he catches and tells the boy that he likes to leave the river the way he found it, and who knows, they just might catch a mermaid one day.  When the boy catches the biggest trout, he must decide if he will kill it to show his parents or set it free.  Another fine story by Allen Say. 

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