
Timothy and the Strong Pajamas by Viviane Schwarz
A little mouse named Timothy has an old set of pajamas but when his mom patches it and sews on new buttons, Timothy has newfound super powers! He and his toy monkey use the pajamas to help many colorful characters in this fun story.

Smash! Crash! by Jon Scieszka
This book is for really little boys (or girls I guess) who are crazy about trucks. Two trucks, Dan and Jack love to smash and well, crash. The pictures are pretty cool, with three different illustrators working together. Scieszka is a legend--he wrote True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! and he's got a fancy pants gig as some sort of bookish liaison. This particular book doesn't really feeeeeeel like Scieszka though, you know. After True Story, I'm looking for something brilliant. But I guess toddler books and brilliant don't really go hand in hand.

Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett
This is another super easy book. Here's the basic pattern: Monkey and me, Monkey and me, Monkey and me, We went to see . . . [a penguin, elephants, etc.]. The pictures are cool though, they fairly leap off the page.

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